Gisele's place

You'll find here a bit of everything that goes through my head. Most of it silly, crazy things. =D

Changing the Game - Jaci Burton 4 stars

Changing The Game is not only hot but also STEAMY, seriously people! Since the beginning, Gavin and Liz were setting my Kobo on fire! I have never read anything from Jaci Burton before and I enjoyed it a lot.
The story between them is kinda of fast-paced soo I didn't get bored while reading. And I'm super glad I didn't read the first book in this series, so I didn't judge Liz for what she did with Tara and Nathan. I was really sad for her throughout the book. She apologized more than once and although Tara and Nathan accepted her apologies, Mick couldn't seem to let go and he was really mean to her. But I think his actions added a good tension to the story.
My only complaint and the reason why I'm not giving it 5 stars is because I'd to see Gavin groveling more. He did a good job asking for her forgiveness, but i thought she accepted it way to fast! He was a jerk with her, he should have suffered more!
Anyway, it was a very good start with her books and I'm looking forward to read more from Mrs. Burton.
Extreme Exposure - Pamela Clare Oh my God, that was awesome!!

Perfect combination of romance and suspense! While I was reading I got angry, frustated, scared as hell and all hot and bothered with Kara and Reece.

Pamela Clare made an hell of a great job! Can't wait to read more of this series!
Perfect for You - Kate Perry 4.5 solid stars

First time I read anything from Kate Perry and it was a lovely surprise. Thanks Kobo Store for recommend it to me, very grateful.

I should probably be beating myself for liking it, because this is a series and now I'm feeling like I should read the others 9 books.. Where will I find the time to accomplish it is beyond me!

Anyways, Perfect for You has a very simple plot. Freya has a crush on her hot neighbor, Greg. And he is pretty much in love with her as well. They hanged out once and got along very well, but when Freya discovered that he was lawyer she pushed him away. You see, her father was a doctor and when he was sued by a patient, his lawyer did a very bad job on advising him how to handle the situation. Her father lost the case and his license. He was so upset with the outcome, that when he left court he accidentally crashed his car. Both her father and mother died on the accident, and now she's very, very suspicious of lawyers, but Greg is not one to be put off!

Greg knows Freya feels something for him, and with his charms and a little help from Freya's sister, Anna, he finds a way to her heart. Plus, Freya needs Greg. She's a web designer, and she have lost her inspiration, but it keeps coming back to her everytime she encounters Greg. so, to get her project done, she agrees to date him.

I loved the author's voice! The story was fast-paced, sexy, funny and sweet. We also have a side story featuring Anna and Max (one of Freya's neighbors), that was very sweet. It was very nice the interaction between Freya and her sister and her friends. So much love and companionship!

It's a perfect book if you want something light and sweet to read between angst books. Kate Perry' books are already on my list of comfort reads. :)
Rebellious Desire - Julie Garwood Not her best work, but still very entertaining. :)
Knight & Stay (Knight, #2) - Kitty French One word: Princess. <3
Painted Faces - L.H. Cosway 5 estrelas

Painted Faces é o que eu posso chamar de um livro desafiador, porque você tem que passar por cima de vários preconceitos para poder aproveitar a leitura, ao menos eu tive que fazer isso, e posso dizer que valeu a pena. Ao menos eu estou orgulhosa de mim mesma. Muitas vezes eu prefiro ficar na minha zona de conforto literária e acabo perdendo de experimentar um monte de coisas novas por puro preconceito. E no caso desse livro, eu te aconselho a dar uma chance.

”We all paint on a face to show the world”, Nicholas replies philosophically. “For some of us, that’s quite literal”

Vocês já devem ter lidos as outras resenhas, então não é segredo que o mocinho da história, Nicholas, é uma drag queen. E apesar de ele ser descrito como um homem lindo, muscular, cheio de tatuagens, eu não conseguia me desvencilhar do estereótipo da drag, de um homem super afeminado. Confesso que logo no prologo, minha mente já estava condicionada a imaginar o Nicholas dessa forma, mas a medida que nós vamos lendo e olhando ele pelos olhos de Freda, pode ter certeza que a nossa concepção muda.

”Are you a drag queen, or a transvestite or a cross dresser? Or are they all one and the same thing? Nicholas shurgs. “Everybody has their own opinions on it I suppose. For me, a drag queen dresses as a women purely for performance and that’s what I of myself as being.

Viu? Para Nicholas Vivica Blue é uma personagem. Não é que ela não seja uma parte dele, ela é, mas ela não o define. Ele é 100% homem. E eu que nunca pensei que iria achar a performance de uma drag super ultra sexy...

Umas das coisas que eu mais gostei nessa leitura é que ambos os protagonistas são cientes de quem eles são, dos seus pontos fortes e das suas fraquezas.

Nicholas é uma alma torturada, sozinha no mundo, que perdeu sua mãe bem cedo na vida, e não teve o carinho e amor do pai no momento em que mais precisava. Ele começa a se vestir com as roupas da mãe e a imitar ela como uma forma de lidar com a perda. Várias coisas ruins acontecem nessa caminhada e apesar de ele ser bem seguro de si em algumas áreas, ele é bem inseguro nos seus relacionamentos e não sabe lidar com o ser amado, ele se acha impuro e não merecedor de tal sentimento.

Freda é uma mulher tem problemas com a sua auto estima. Por ser gordinha e ter o cabelo descontrolado desde criança, ela tem alguns problemas em se aceitar. E eu acho ótimo, que ela é extremamente consciente disso, e ao invés de levar esses sentimentos para um lado depressivo, ela faz piada de toda a situação, mas assim como Nicholas ela usa essa sinceridade toda como uma armadura para se proteger e não deixar o seu lado sensível à mostra.

E eu amei como ela aceitou o Nicholas desde o começo. Amei como ela, ao contrario de mim, não colocou ele categorias. Mas não pense que a relação deles é fácil. Por causa dessas inseguranças, Freda e Nick ficam num jogo de estica e puxa quase que interminável. Freda tem muito medo de se machucar e toda vez que Nick chega um pouco mais perto ela o afasta. Ele também faz várias cagadas ao longo da história, tendo afastar a Freda, com medo de machuá-la..

Tem uma parte muito interessante, quando eles já estão se relacionando, em que ele diz a ela que ele quer que ela goste dois lados dele: Nicholas e Vivica. Ela diz que gosta dos dois e até conta pra ele um sonho que ela teve em que ele vinha até ela vestido de Vivica. Logo depois do show dele, ainda caracterizado, eles dois transam no camarim e depois ela se olha no espelho com a maquiagem dele no rosto... achei isso muito legal. Mostra que ela realmente aceita ele, e o vê como artista e como homem.

Outra coisa ótima é que desde o inicio sabemos quais são os problemas e traumas de ambos. Não essa coisa de ficar escondendo.. o legal é ver como eles vão se ajustando e ajudando um ao outro a vencer esses problemas. O livro não termina com Nicholas deixando de ser performista ou Freda largando de fazer cupcakes, mas eles mudam significantemente a vida um do outro.

”So, this is me darling, a complete and total contradiction. A fucking mess.” He smiles sadly. “A beautiful mess”, I proclaim.”

Super recomendado!
Between The Sheets (Against The Wall #2) - Julie Prestsater Even better than the first. I felt so conected to Mel and Ty and although they were full of miscommunication by the end, there was so much love. The end just brought tears to my eyes. And I loved seeing Shel and Matt again, this time building their very own family. Super cute! :)
Untitled (Rock Chick, #8) - Kristen Ashley 4 stars

Well, I was so excited about RC Revolution and although Ally wasn't - and still isn't - my favorite rock chick, I was hoping KA could deliver an explosive romance between her and Ren, but IMHO, KA didn't do it.

Lorenzo Zano is my favorite hero in this series and I felt like he was forgotten. The book was so focused in Ally and in the others that I couldn't connect with him as much as I'd like to. In the previous RC, KA told us the stories in both of hero's and heroine's perspectives, so we could feel them. I missed it in this book. I missed Ren and his power as a protagonist. He had to share it with Darius, Lee and Hank.

I know this was the last one and KA wanted to give us a little bit of everyone and everything, but it was too much and it created some very slow parts in the story.

Lots of people are complaining about the author put herself in the story, as Jane. I didn't mind much, but sometimes it was annoying 'cause Jane gained an attention that was unnecessary. And that thing about the RC Tours was silly.

Don’t get me wrong, It was a fun read and I enjoyed but I’m a bit disappointed. Usually I devour her books in 2, 3 days top. But it took me almost a week to finish RC Revolution, it didn’t get my attention as the others and it makes me really mad, because I didn’t want to end this series feeling like this.

So, let me wrap this with lists!!

Favorite books in RC series:
1.Sadie and Hector’s
2.Hank and Roxie’s
3.Indy and Lee’s
I don’t care much about the others. =P

1.Lorenzo Zano – he’s so delicious he deserves being called by his full name and everything else.
2.Hector – delicious, wild and sweet. fans self (every time his name was mentioned in RC Revolution I sighed and It made me want very much to re-read his book.)
3.Hank - Whisky. <3<br/>
And I need to make an honorable mention: CHOWLEENA

The Law of Attraction - N.M.  Silber I loved it!!

If you liked Emma Chase's Tangled and Tara's Chocolate Lovers Series, The Law of Attraction is a treat!
I had a blast reading it, and thank God I was alone (sort of), while reading it, because I just couldn't help myself and laughed my ass off! How can you not laugh when the author puts sex, wall and a horny chiwawa together in a scene?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Believe me, I'm laughing here just remembering it!

Gabrielle and Braden are two lawyers that work together and they had eyes for each other for quite some time, but never actually did something about it. With their friend's help, and some alcohol too, they flirt and set up some dates. Gabby doesn't want to be another one in Braden's list, and Braden, although being a lady's man, likes Gabby enough to really try to have something serious with her.

Their banter are great, and the way the author combined their relatioship with their defenses on court was very smart and funny. They super sexy and cute together.

While Braden is more serious, Gabby is bit nut, and their friends are super funny and supportive of their relationship. So much that when someone starts to send Gabby anonymous notes, they agreed to do all kinds of crazy stuffs to find this person. It was so much fun!!

I can't wait for the next book! I want to see if they going to marry; I want to know if Bruno (the chiwawa) is going to need mental treatment for being exposed to his mommy and daddy crazy monkey sex; and I want more from Drew (Braden's crazy brother). Actually, this Drew here, reminds me of Drew from Chocolate lovers, although no one can be THAT crazy!

If you want some sexy, fun read, The Law of Attraction is a great treat! :)
Making It Last - Ruthie Knox Making It Last was a kind of introspective reading, but at the same time, I thought it was nice the author bring all those conflicts to the table. We love happy endings on ours books because life is already so tough, we want some 'peace', you know what I mean? But again, it was nice because she showed that even though life is not a fairy tale, there IS room to romance,sex, comprehension, companionship. Marriage is not a failed institution, it can be saved and it can be GOOD, more than that, AWESOME. Now a days people doesn't want to make the effort, and I think it was that Ruthie wanted to make us think for a change . :)

I loved what the author said at the of the book.. the WHY of this book.. I wrote it because I wanted to tell a story about how life happens to love.
How to Misbehave - Ruthie Knox Loved it! It's a shame that ended so soon. Loved [a:Ruthie Knox|5308032|Ruthie Knox|] voice as well. [b:Making It Last|17704528|Making It Last (Camelot, #4)|Ruthie Knox||24752299], I'm coming for you! :D
The Davina Code - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Review in English e em Português

4.5 stars

Janet Elizabeth is already on my roll of auto-buys. This is my second book of hers and although is not as good as The Lingerie Wars, I had a wonderful time reading it! :D

Davina is an eccentric redhair who has a passion. Wait, not just only one ‘cause she loves baking and making people happy, but her ultimate passion is acting. The problem is she can’t stay on the jobs, you see, her personality is a bit strong and sometimes she’s a bit impulsive.. just a bit… HAHAHA. And she will do anything, I said, ANYTHING to realize her dream of make a movie, even if she has to borrow equipments from the tv where she works.

She’s living in Jack’s house (actually, he inherited it from his Aunt), and when he goes there to meet his new tenant, she hits him in the head and ties him up in a chair. This is what I call a welcome!!!

Jack is an ex officer of Brighton Police. He was removed from it when he accused his chief of doing illegal things but didn’t have proofs. And the fact of hitting him didn’t help Jack’s case either.. hehehe.

When he sees himself at Davinas’ mercy, he realizes that she’s hiding something. She doesn’t allow him to inspect the house, and by the law she has the 2 weeks’ notice on her side. But Jack is not one to be bossed around, and he does everything in his power to discover what she’s doing.

It was so much fun!! Their banter was great and the author created an awesome sexual tension since the first time they met – and no, THIS IS NOT an insta-love case!! Let me give you a taste..

When they first met. He’s tied up and she’s all over him:

“Sweetheart, you have your cleavage in my face and your hand down my trousers. There is nothing about this I understand.”

A little time later..

“So now we’re formal? He leaned towards her and whispered so only she could hear. We weren’t so formal when you had your tongue down my throat and were wriggling against Mr. Big.”

4.5 estrelas

Janet Elizabeth já está no meu roll de autoras favoritas. Esse é o segundo livro dela que leio e embora ele não seja tão bom quando The Lingerie Wars, eu me diverti horrores lendo ele! :D

Davina é uma ruiva excêntrica que tem uma paixão. Mas pera, ela não tem só uma paixão, porque ela ama cozinhar e fazer as pessoas felizes, mas acima de tudo isso, ela ama atuar. O problema é que ela não consegue ficar nos empregos, veja você, ela tem uma personalidade um pouquinho forte e às vezes ela também é um pouquinho impulsiva.. mas só um pouquinho.. HAHAHA. E ela vai fazer qualquer coisa, eu disse QUALQUER COISA para realizar o seu sonho de fazer um filme, nem que ela tenha que pegar emprestado alguns equipamentos da tv onde ela trabalha.

Ela vive na casa de Jack (na verdade ele herdou a casa da tia dele) e quando ele vai lá para conhecer a sua nova inquilina, ela bate nele na cabeça e o amarra numa cadeira. Isso é o que eu chamo de boas-vindas, minha gente!

Jack é um ex oficial da Policia de Brighton. Ele foi dispensado quando acusou seu chefe de fazer coisas ilícitas mas não tinha provas, e o fato de ele ter batido no chefe também não ajudou na sua causa... hehehe

Quando ele se vê à mercê de Davina, ele percebe que ela está escondendo alguma coisa, mas ela não deixa ele entrar na casa e ela usa a lei que diz que ele tem que avisar ela com 2 semanas de antecedência a seu favor. Mas Jack não é uma pessoa que gosta de ser mandada e ele faz tudo o que pode para descobrir o que ela está aprontando.

Eu me diverti tanto! As brigas deles são ótimas e autora criou uma ótima tensão sexual entre eles desde o começo – e não, este NÃO É um caso de amor instantâneo! Deixa eu dar pra vocês um gostinho..

Logo quando eles se conhecem. Ele tá amarrado e ela toda em cima dele:

“Sweetheart, you have your cleavage in my face and your hand down my trousers. There is nothing about this I understand.”

Um pouquinho depois:

“So now we’re formal? He leaned towards her and whispered so only she could hear. We weren’t so formal when you had your tongue down my throat and were wriggling against Mr. Big.”

Lingerie Wars - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Review in English and em Português

5 stars

Lingerie Wars was a lovely, lovely discovery! I have never heard about the author but some friends here on GR were saying lots of good things about it, and if you add Scotland into the scene, I’m hooked!

It tells us the story of Kristen Campbell and Lake Benson. She was a very successful lingerie model in the past, but due a car accident and lots of body scars, she couldn’t do it anymore, so she comes back to her village in the middle of the Scottish Highlands and opens a Lingerie Shop. But life is not easy, and while she’s struggling with the shop, Lake Benson – an English – comes into the scene and takes charge of the shop across the street. He had bought it to his sister, but Rainne was not doing things properly. The lingerie shop was doing very bad and he needed the money he invested back, so he could invest in the PI business he so wanted to do.

But you see, they were in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere… the city doesn’t need a lingerie shop, let alone two. SO,LET THE WAR BEGIN! And it was so much fun to read these two fight against each other.. lots of sabotages, stolen kisses, thefts in the middle of the night and support characters who added even more madness to the story! YAY!

These two try to hate each other, but as the story progresses they become sort of friends/lovers, and the whole community help their relationship.

What can I say about Betty?? She’s and old lady and the owner of the building where Lakes’s shop is. She’s all kinds of crazy. Lake calls her “his Hobbit”.. how fun is that??? LOADSSS..

Lake with his charm, becomes a local attraction and even his photo is coveted by the old ladies! He doesn’t want to even imagine what they do with it! HAHAHA

There is another love story in the book between Lake’s sister, Rainne, and a local boy, Alastair, that was very sweet and chamming. I hope that in the next book, the author give them the spotlight!

It’s a must read people! You going to laugh loads and even if the Scottish cold tries to get you, the love and the sweetness of this book will warm your body and heart! :)

Looking forward to read more from Janet Elizabeth Henderson!!


5 estrelas

Lingerie Wars foi uma deliciosa descoberta! Eu nunca tinha lido nada dessa autora, mas algumas amigas estavam falando tão bem do livro e se você adicionar Escócia na parada, eu sou voto vencido!!

Aqui temos a história de Kristen Campbell e Lake Benson. Ela era uma modelo de lingerie muito famosa, mas devido a um acidente de carro e várias cicatrizes no corpo, ela não podia mais modelar, então ela volta para sua cidade natal, uma vila bem no meio das Terras Altas da Escócia e abre uma loja de lingerie. Mas a vida não é nada fácil e enquanto ela luta para não fechar a sua loja, Lake Benson – o Inglês – aparece na cidade para tomar de conta da loja do outro lado da rua. Ele tinha comprado a loja para a sua irmã, mas Rainne não estava fazendo as coisas direito. A loja de lingerie estava quase falindo e ele precisava do dinheiro que ele investiu de volta para abrir o seu negocio de Investigação Privada.

Mas veja você, eles estão em uma minúscula vila no meio do nada... a cidadezinha não precisa nem de uma loja de lingerie, imagina duas. ENTÃO QUE A GUERRA COMEÇE! E foi TÃO divertido ver esses dois brigando.. muitas sabotagens, beijos roubados, roubos no meio da noite e personagens secundários que adicionaram muito mais loucura na história! OBAAA!!

Eles tentam se odiar, mas a medida que a historia caminha, eles se tornam meio que amigos/amantes, e o melhor, toda a comunidade ajuda no relacionamento deles. E o que eu posso dizer da Betty? Ela é uma velhinha que é dona do prédio onde está a loja de Lake. LOKA a mulher! Lake chama ela de “Hobbit”.. agora me diz se isso não é engraçado? É HILÁRIO , MINHA GENTE!.

Lake, com todo o seu charme, se torna uma atração turística e até as suas fotos são disputadas pelas velhinhas da cidade! Ele não quer nem imaginar o que elas fazem com as fotos.. HAHAHAHA

Tem uma outra história de amor no livro entre a irmã de Lake, Rainne, e uma garoto da vila, Alastair, que é bem fofa. Eu espero que a autora continue com eles no próximo livro!

Gente, você tem que ler! Você vai rir horrores e mesmo que o frio escocês tente te pegar, o amor e a doçura desse livro vai esquentar o seu corpo e coraçãozinho! :)

Já vou catar todos os outros livros da autora pra ler!
Some like It Spicy - Robbie Terman Sorry English speaking friends, this time review only in Portuguese. Super lazy these days :(

3.5 - 4.0 estrelas

Eu acho que estou sendo muito critica dando 3.5 pra esse livrinho, porque pensando bem, a leitura foi divertida.

Esse é o segundo livro que leio que tem a temática de reality shows . O primeiro que li, foi um baseado em No Limite/Suvivor, Wicked Games da Jill Myles, que foi ótimo!!

Some Like It Spicy é baseado em um dos realities que eu mais gosto, Top Chef.. Você pensou o quê? Que iria falar Big Brother??!! Não gente, eu tenho alma de gorda! Tem que ter comida na parada.

Com o restaurante quase fechando as portas a Chef Ashton (sim esse é o nome da mocinha. Que nome horrivel, eu pensei que era homem no começo) vê a proposta de ir para o reality como a única chance de salvar o seu negocio, pois vai ganhar a publicidade que tanto precisa para o restaurante e ainda pode ganhar o grande prêmio no final.

Lá ela encontra com Ty Cates, também chef e o apresentador/jurado do programa. Você pode até pensar que Ty se acha todo, todo, por causa do dinheiro e fama que tem, mas na real ele está cansado de tudo isso, e anda pensando seriamente em voltar a ser o "simples" chef do seu restaurante lá em Atlanta. Mas ele está preso em New York, por causa de todos os contratos que tem.

Ashton (Oh nome feio, Armaria!), tem problemas. Desde criança ela sofre um bullying gigante do próprio pai, que pra piorar as coisas é um critico de comida super famoso. Ela vive tentando agradar ele, mas só o que o bonito sabe dizer é : Vê se não me envergonha. Então ela é meio frustada e super insegura de suas habilidades, e sempre que pode desconta essa raiva do pai em alguém. E foi assim que ela foi chamada para o reality, quase emasculando um cliente que disse que o bife dele tava mal assado! OLHA A FACAA!HAHAHA

Ty, já é bem seguro de si. Bom moço do sul. Ele só tá cansado dessa vida de celebridade, mas fica com peso na consciência de abandonar tudo e desgraçar outras pessoas pelo caminho. Olha que bom moço o menino!

A atração entre os dois começa desde o primeiro encontro e apesar dos encontros deles serem bem divertidos de se ler, o desenvolvimento desse "amor" que não me conquistou tanto assim.. Não sei de dizer exatamente o que é, mas eles quase nem conversavam direito, iam logo pro rala e rola e quando chega no final que as bombas estouram tudo, eles vão se perceber super in love. Não me comprou muito, mas ainda sim meu coraçãozinho ficou apertadinho por eles. :)

Dá pra você dar umas boas risadas e imaginar aquelas comidas gostosas todas! Também adorei o Ty dando umas porradas no pai da Ashton, bem feito seu FDP!!! HAHAHA. Não sou a favor da violência, mas gente, vocês não fazem ideia do que esse "pai" fez com a própria filha no programa!! Humilhação total, mereceu as porradas. E o melhor foi a mãe da Ashton ficar comendo tranquilamente enquanto o marido levava a surra!

Recomendo para você que quer uma leitura com uma temática diferente e leve :D
Officer off Limits - Tessa Bailey Review in English e em Português

4.5 dirty stars

Children, there are lots of great reviews of this book, so I'm not going to extend mylself. But I have to tell you how delicious it was.. Yummy.

My friends know that I'm not a fan of insta-love, but sometimes the characters are so nice and their backgrounds are so well constructed that I can let it pass and just enjoy the ride. And what a hide!

Daniel and Story's journey is a kind of explosive one. He is a man whore, and uses meaningless sex to fill his lonely life. She's just got ride of a relatioship that was destined to fail, and decided that from that point on, she was going to live her life to its fullest.

And well baby, do you know that saying.. Be careful of what you want, 'cause Danny boy knows how to go down on the business, if you know what I'm saying.. HAHA!

Daniel is what I call dirtylicious . He has a filthy mouth, an even filthier mind and with that combination he does delicious things to Story, and after a little push she sucumbs to his charms. Who wouldn't, hum?

The story is funny, sexy and reminds me a lot of [b:Edible|16249388|Edible (Exquisite, #3)|Ella Frank||22289401] and although IMHO Ella's book is better, you won't regret even a bit of Officer Off Limits! ;)


Crianças, como existem várias resenhas ótimas desse livro, eu não vou me estender muito. Mas eu não posso deixar de dizer como a sua leitura foi deliciosa .. Yummy!!

Quem me conhece sabe que eu não sou fã desses livrinhos em que os personagens nem se olham direito e já se amam para a eternidade, mas as vezes o mocinho e a mocinha são tão legais e as suas histórias tão bem construidas, que eu deixo isso passar e só aproveito o embalo. E que embalo, viu?!

A jornada de Daniel e Story é o que eu posso chamar de explosiva. Ele é adora um rabo de saia e usa o sexo para preencher o vazio que é a sua vida. Ela acabou de sair de um relacionamento que estava destinado ao fracasso, e decidiu que agora iria viver a sua vida ao máximo.

E babies, vocês sabem daquele ditado.. Cuidado com o que você deseja, porque o menino Daniel sabe como viver ao máximo , se é que vocês me entendem.. HAHA!

Daniel é o que eu chamo de dirtylicious , uma mistura de "sujo" com delicioso, sabe?! Ele tem a boca suja e uma mente mais suja ainda e com essa combinação, ele faz coisas deliciosas com a Story, e após um pressãozinha, ela se rende ao seu charme. Quem não se renderia, né?

A história é divertida, sexy e me lembra bastante de [b:Edible|16249388|Edible (Exquisite, #3)|Ella Frank||22289401] e embora eu ache o livro da [a:Ella Frank|6451816|Ella Frank|] bem melhor, você não vai se arrepender nem um pingo de ler Officer Off Limits!
All Through the Night - Connie Brockway Resenha em português na minha página do Skoob.

Every time I read a book that’s awesome, I feel at lost for words because there are so many emotions, so much thoughts that I wanted to tell, that I usually don’t say anything. But it is a shame, because I really want you to realize that you NEED reading it. So, I’ll let Ed Sheeran lyrics to speak for me:


Give me love like her
‘Cos lately I’ve been waking up alone

Jack and Anne are two lonely souls. They lived their whole life thinking they don’t deserve love.

Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt
Told you I’d let them go

Circumstances tells them they not worth it.

And that I’ll fight my corner
Maybe tonight I’ll call ya
After my blood turns into alcohol
No I just wanna hold ya

But deep down, there’s a yearning, and even though life is a burden, they fight to live. They fight to not lose what they discovered in each other’s embrace.

Give a little time to me, or burn this out
We’ll play hide and seek to turn this around
And all I want is the taste that your lips allow
My my, my my, oh give me love

And after that first encounter, the Hound and the Thief start their game of hide and seek. At night they are wild creatures, but at the day light, “respectable” members of society. They round each other, they seek each other secrets, they literally seek a little time with each other trying to relive what they had in that encounter. What they tasted in each other lips.

Give me love like never before
‘Cos lately I’ve been craving more

As the hunt progresses, fear, hate, admiration and compassion turns into love. Into an obsession, a craving never experienced before…

And it’s been a while but I still feel the same
Maybe I should let you go

Maybe they really should let it go. How they can trust in each other? Sometimes the weight of the past, the fear to repeat the same old mistakes, the fear of failing is so unbearable, that is easier to just let it go.. even though their hearts are breaking into pieces.

You know I’ll fight my corner
And that tonight I’ll call ya
After my blood is drowning in alcohol
No I just wanna hold ya

But they can’t let it go, the feelings are stronger, consuming even. One night, just one more night to drown into this madness. She just wants to hold him. He just wants to hold her.

Give a little time to me, or burn this out
We’ll play hide and seek to turn this around
And all I want is the taste that your lips allow
My my, my my, oh give me love

A lifetime of suffering sometimes is strong enough to make us think that there’s nothing good out there. There isn’t love, there isn’t trust. And break these concepts is so hard that words are not enough, you have to prove it with your actions, with your own life. Jack and Annie had to do it to prove that what they felt for each other were real. They needed love so much, with such desperation.. but life had taught them not to love, not to trust. At 80% of reading, I still couldn’t see these two together. But as I said, actions are better than thousand words and through it they finally SEE each other.

This history is not a light one, is dark and heavy, but at the same time beautiful and heartbreaking. I hope I could incite you to give it a try, it will be worth your time.